Physiotherapist Edenvale

How long is a physio consultation?

First or new assessments are 45-60 minutes including treatment, and follow-up sessions average 45 minutes.

What do I need to bring to the consultation?

You are required to bring along personal and medical aid information to complete forms for new patients as well as any X-rays, scans or relevant blood test results. Please bring a towel to place on the bed for your comfort.

What should I wear to the appointment?

As you are required to expose the area to be treated appropriately, please bring or wear suitable clothing to aid this.  EG. Bring/wear shorts for lower leg injuries, or tank type top for neck or shoulder problems for ladies.  Gentlemen can just remove the shirt.

How can I pay for my physiotherapy consultation?

As a ‘cash practice’ you are not required to pay with physical cash although it is an option, we do have a speedpoint device to take card payments.

Can I claim from my medical aid after paying for my consultation?

Yes, you can claim from your medical scheme to receive a refund for the consultation, subject to your relevant scheme rules or Medical Savings Account status.

Do you accept medical aid for payments?

We are a cash practice, which means you must settle your account after each appointment and then claim back from your relevant medical scheme.  We do charge at the medical aid rate for treatments and assessments done.

How long do I have to claim from my medical scheme before it becomes a “stale claim”?

Most medical schemes allow you to claim up to 3 months from the date of service before the claim would be deemed ‘stale’ and would not be eligible for refund.

How do I book an appointment?

Bookings can easily be done via our website, making use of our online booking system. Alternatively, you can contact us via email, phone or WhatsApp.

Can I reschedule my appointment?

Yes, you may with at least 2 hours notice to avoid penalty.  You can easily reschedule using the link on the email that you received which confirms your original booking, alternatively, you contact the practice directly.

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